posted by
11:48 AM
posted by
11:06 AM
Labels: vacation
Finally, after Brian's trip to Hawaii, I feel like a person with a life again. He got back on Wednesday, and I'm finally off for three days. Today was the first day of the three. It was a good day. I got some laundry done, ran a few errands, spent time with Emily, and quality time with my nephew. Well, I dont know if it was quality time. I fell asleep while he was watching cars. haha I had a nap, but he didn't need one as he so kindly informed me. FUNNY KID, HE IS .
Now I have two days more before I head back to work. I'm planning on enjoying every minute of them.
Life is good !!!!
posted by
11:07 PM
Reference: LIFE
I am God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, donot attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours.
Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.
posted by
7:33 PM
wow, its been a while since I"ve stayed up this late. Probably not very wise on my part. I have to leave for work at quarter to 6 tommorrow morning. Yes, I get to sleep in a whole hour. Being as it is Thanksgiving, the restaurant hours are changed. I dont know how happy my General Manager will be about that, but it was my decision, and I made it, so if he gets mad, well, he can just yell at me. But I wouldn't really advise that, I may get a tad bit upset! :)
I miss staying up late. Working early in the morning, really cramps my style :) ha ha
anyway... later all you millions of people who read my blog !
posted by
10:46 PM
Well, its that time of year again. Turkey time ! For most people anyway. I believe this year we are destined to eat turkey dinner from Whitespot. Seeing as how I have to work tommorrow, my mom is still in Arkansas and my dad is cooking ham tonite. It won't be much of a family Thanksgiving. And we'll be eating leftovers, can you believe that LEFTOVERS for Thanksgiving day. I guess I shouldn't complain. I should be thankful. :D
posted by
5:53 PM
Sometimes I think Dayshifts are way overrated. I have been working dayshifts on a regular basis, since I started working at my current job last September. I still am not adjusted to it. Getting up at 430/445 is still way too early for me. I would think that by now I would be in some sort of routine when I have to work day shifts, but it hasn't kicked in for me yet.
Leaving the house by 5 is pure torture some mornings.
Leaving work between two and three, i can get used to, but those early mornings are going to be the death of me. Seriously. I'm so tired in the morning no matter what time I go to bed, at times I am fighting sleepiness as i drive an hour to work.
When I am working a day shift I am more often than not, in bed and asleep by 10 pm. Sometimes earlier. Right now, its around 9pm, and I'm exhausted. I guess being up since 430 will do that to you???
Will I ever get used to the dayshift hours??
I've been working days for the last two and a half weeks, while Brian is in Hawaii, and I hate mornings !
I need to find a job where I can work 8-4, now those are realistic day time hours.... this five o clock stuff, is DUMB !!!!! ( for lack of a better word)
I will survive; I will survive; I will survive; I will survive; I will survive
posted by
8:46 PM
Labels: work
It's hard to believe Ethan will be three in a little over three months. Where did the past few years go?? Three years have gone by like the snap of your fingers - SLOW TIME DOWN!!!! Before we know it, Ethan will be in school. I dont know what we did without him in our lives. Probably much the same as we do now, minus ethan of course.
Soon, in late December early January, Ethan will have a little brother. We'll have another little baby to kiss, cuddle, and snuggle.
Slow Time Down !!!!
maybe one day I'll write interesting blogs - don't hold your breath. ha ha
posted by
7:56 PM
Labels: family
Oregon, Oregon, Oregon. I need to get away to Oregon. I need to walk the beach, sit on the rocks, listen to the waves crash. I just need to get away. Get away from the stress of work.
Peaceful, calm, serene, Ocean, Endless Beach, Boardwalk, Seaside, Salt water Taffy, sand, beach volleyball, outlet malls, rocks, waves, devil's Churn, Yachats, Lincoln City, Tillamook Cheese Factory, Driving, coffee, Gas, Scrapbooking, Pictures, thought provoking, south jetty, Cloudy skies, Sunny skies, Body surfing, Swimming, wading, sleeping, Observing, walking the beach, Sand castles, shells, sand dollars, Sunrise, sunset, camping, KOA, Campfires, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Driving on the Beach, Lewis and Clark, Relaxing, restful, seagulls, vacations, Friends, family, MEMORIES
posted by
3:08 PM
Labels: vacations
posted by
8:35 PM
I was able to have the video
provided by the service station view by an investigator who had the appropriate
equipment and after all this waiting, it really is not much assistance to us.
The pictures do not show that your vehicle was out of the tracks but
rather that it was moving forward 'normally' throughout the cycle. As we are
unable to prove a malfunction of the equipment, we have no alternative but to
handle this claim as a collision claim under your policy, which will result in
an increase of your premiums on renewal of the policy.
Sorry that this
took so long. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me.
Sheila Poustie
Claims Adjuster
posted by
11:01 PM
I dont know how many of you have read the tragic news story coming out of Laval Quebec. Part of an overpass collapsed, pinning, crushing, and ultimately killing many of the unlucky victims below.
Why was this overpass, and stretch of highway allowed to remain open?? Hours before the overpass came down, the inspector was there, cuz a series of concrete pieces had tumbled down. He did a cursory examination, an auditory inspection, and whatever else it is taht they do, and he left. Feeling safe in his assumption that all would be well. Unfortunately for him, that did not happen.
It kinda makes you think though, doesn't it? Those poor people never in their wildest dreams did they expect the overpass to collapse on top of them. The new article said the cars that were caught underneath all the debris were crused ankle to knee high. Those people would have never had a chance. Its highly likely as well, that they never saw it coming.
You just never know what the future has in store for you do you? If its your time to go, its your time to go.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims. "Dream as if you'll live forever; Live as if you'll die today "
posted by
6:24 PM