Oct 6, 2006

bad new travels in threes?

In my case I think bad news travels in sixes, sevens, or tens.
Seriously, I dont know how much more of this I can take. People quitting, people calling in sick, people taking a leave of absence to go to India just after starting work, people not showing up for their first training shifts after they get hired. Coffee machines leaking, Pipes bursting in the dish area, Pipes bursting out in front of the restaurant. Guest concerns too many of them in a short span of time. How much more of this can I take??? I don't think I can handle much more.
I dont get paid enough to deal with this!!! Do I look like a plumber? no, I didn't think so !!!
I'm so unbelievably frustrated right now.
My alarm goes off in the morning, and I just bury my head under my pillows - don't make me go back there. No don't make me go back there.
Working 6 days a week, doesn't agree with me !!!
Lately, I"d almost say, being a restaurant manager, doesn't agree with me !!!!!!!
It has to get better doesn't it???

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