Oct 7, 2006

day shifts too early - still

Sometimes I think Dayshifts are way overrated. I have been working dayshifts on a regular basis, since I started working at my current job last September. I still am not adjusted to it. Getting up at 430/445 is still way too early for me. I would think that by now I would be in some sort of routine when I have to work day shifts, but it hasn't kicked in for me yet.

Leaving the house by 5 is pure torture some mornings.

Leaving work between two and three, i can get used to, but those early mornings are going to be the death of me. Seriously. I'm so tired in the morning no matter what time I go to bed, at times I am fighting sleepiness as i drive an hour to work.

When I am working a day shift I am more often than not, in bed and asleep by 10 pm. Sometimes earlier. Right now, its around 9pm, and I'm exhausted. I guess being up since 430 will do that to you???

Will I ever get used to the dayshift hours??

I've been working days for the last two and a half weeks, while Brian is in Hawaii, and I hate mornings !

I need to find a job where I can work 8-4, now those are realistic day time hours.... this five o clock stuff, is DUMB !!!!! ( for lack of a better word)

I will survive; I will survive; I will survive; I will survive; I will survive

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