Oct 7, 2006

I need to get away !

Oregon, Oregon, Oregon. I need to get away to Oregon. I need to walk the beach, sit on the rocks, listen to the waves crash. I just need to get away. Get away from the stress of work.


Peaceful, calm, serene, Ocean, Endless Beach, Boardwalk, Seaside, Salt water Taffy, sand, beach volleyball, outlet malls, rocks, waves, devil's Churn, Yachats, Lincoln City, Tillamook Cheese Factory, Driving, coffee, Gas, Scrapbooking, Pictures, thought provoking, south jetty, Cloudy skies, Sunny skies, Body surfing, Swimming, wading, sleeping, Observing, walking the beach, Sand castles, shells, sand dollars, Sunrise, sunset, camping, KOA, Campfires, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Driving on the Beach, Lewis and Clark, Relaxing, restful, seagulls, vacations, Friends, family, MEMORIES

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