Sep 10, 2005

6 more shifts !!!

Its almost over ! But everything that could go wrong, will, as evidenced by my shift tonite. The head grill is now sick for 10 days, there is no one to take his place without dishing out overtime. The paycheques for most of the servers were messed up ..... so they were all upset, for some odd reason. sick call, after sick call..... running out of food items.........dealing with customer complaints..........

Its almost over........... I think!

I think, I can do this.......... I THINK.............

I'm just tired of dealing with the same ole stuff, day in and day out. I want to get out to my new job, and start there. sure there is probbaly some of the same problems there....but its a new environment!


why oh why? must i put up with all this........

i'm sure there is some reason, somewhere, I just dont see it yet !

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